Friday, December 21, 2007

What if it was your neighborhood? ماذا لو كانوا جيرانكم؟

نحن سكان منطقة المحيصنة وعود المطينة لا تبعد منطقة سكننا عن سكن العمال المدعو (سونابور) والذي يسكنه حوالي ٢٠٠،٠٠٠ عامل ، كان يفصل بيننا وبينهم حاجز رملي (مجموعة من الكثبان الرملية) وقد تمت إزالة هذا الساتر الرملي ليتم بناء مساكن عمال جديده تتسع لحوالي عشرة الآف عامل آخر. وبإزالة هذا الحاجز الرملي أصبحت منطقة سكننا مفتوحة للعمال تكتظ بهم شوارعنا وأحياءنا وحدائق منازلنا. إن منطقة سكننا تضم الكثير من العوائل المواطنة والمدارس لمختلف المراحل الدراسية وجامعة طب للبنات مع سكن لطالباتها. إن هذه القنبلة البشرية الموقوتة تشكل تهديداً لأمننا وسلامة أطفالنا

إدعمونا لإيقاف بناء مساكن جديدة للعمال
إدعمونا للعمل على نقل العمال إلى مناطق أخرى بعيدة عن مساكننا وأحيائنا ومدارسنا

الرجاء المشاركة في التصويت لإقاف عملية بناء مساكن جديدة حول مناطق سكننا من خلال الموقع الإلكتروني


الرجاء الإطلاع على الصور الملحقة أدناه*

سكان منطقة المحيصنة وعود المطينة

ًWe are concerned inhabitants of Muhasnaih (Dubai) where a new labor accommodations are being built near our living area. Laborers are coming into our backyards without permission. We cant even let our children in our own garden fearing for their safety, especially after the last major labor riot (Where many people got beaten and injured). Our area is a place for homes of many families, schools, a university and a dorm for girls as well as an orphanage with children. We are living beside a living ticking bomb.

This is not only a threat to our neighborhood but to all the neighborhoods surrounding ours since there are more than 10,000 laborers in those camps.

Please support us in putting an end to the building of this new labor accommodation and moving these camps to a non-living area for the safety of everyone.

If you want to help, please sign this petition in the following link


*check out the photos that are shown below

Muhaisnah People


Anonymous said...

What an arrogant and selfish attitude of the self righteous Muhaisnah People! It is time to wake up and acknowledge that 1. laborers are of the same human mankind as anyone else, and not some kind of outcast. 2. NO laborer unrest in Dubai has ever targeted residents, let alone children. 3. We all depend on these hard working people, who built with their blood, sweat and tears the glitz of Dubai.

Maybe the Muhaisnah People would learn to appreciate laborers when their house fell in shambles and there is no one to rebuild it for them. Not that I wish them bad, but a gentle ruffle from the winds of life might enlighten even the hardest hearts…

Happy new Year,


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this site I appreciate you efforts to keep our neighborhoods safe =)

Dear Evita

I've read you're comment and it seems that you're not aware of what really is going on. First of all we have nothing against laborers but the fact that 200 thousand male laborers are living in accommodations beside our neighborhood is the problem. I live close by Muhaisnah and the laborers 1) Are wandering around the neighborhood in groups, is that considered safe for the kids to play outside? 2) They started trespassing into our backyards, is that safe? 3) And YES they did target families and two of my family members who were robbed late at night by laborers. 4) There are many huge trucks and buses now moving through our neighborhood day and night, is it safe to cross our streets anymore? 5) And it seems that you forgot the huge riot that occurred recently where many people got beaten and one of them was our family friend.

So lets just consider if a riot will occur beside our neighborhood who do you think will be the targets?

And I would like to add that we are not selfish but concerned people. We don’t have anything against them we just want their accommodations to be moved to industrial areas far away from living areas! Do we not have the right to fight for our safety? And we are not only Emiraties here but we have people from other countries living here too =)

I hope you understand our concerns,

Anonymous said...
الرجاء الاطلاع على الرابط ،، المرفق ،، ماذا لو!!!

وخبر آخر ،، في جريدة البيان الصادرة بتاريخ 25-ديسمبر-2008 الصفحة رقم 10 خبر عن موضوع المدونة ،، للمهندس حسين لوتاه ،،

Do u agree or disagree with the buildings of labor camps in Muhaisnah